Green Whisper®, an innovative and sustainable technology for transforming the banana trunk into textile fiber.
At Green Whisper®, the raw material doesn't need additional land, energy, or water.
We have developed a technology in our French offices that allows us to cut the banana trunks and extract the fibers directly in the producers' fields.
The fibers used are then processed and transformed into coils to which a percentage of cotton is incorporated.
The textile thus created has greater tear resistance. It has a longer lifespan and can be washed at low temperatures.

Agricultural residues
The world produces 1 billion tons of agricultural residues per year ! Therefore, there is a growing need to manage these residues. At Green Whisper®, we are committed to reusing them to create top-quality, durable clothing throughout their manufacturing process, from the farm to the customer.

The banana tree only bears fruit once in its lifetime. Therefore, the farmer is compelled to cut it down after each harvesting season.
The manufacturing cycle of textile made from banana trunks
Harvesting banana trunks
Textile production
Extraction and drying of the fiber

Addition of a percentage of cotton
Transformation into coils
No need to dump or burn agricultural residues, thus eliminating storage in illegal dumps and pollution caused by illicit burnings.
Local economy
The local farmer recycles agricultural residues using the Green Whisper® process, thereby generating additional income and creating new jobs.

The residues remaining after the Green Whisper® process are used as agricultural fertilizers. Containing no chemicals, they will be used for the following crops.
The end customer receives a top-quality product that is environmentally friendly and 100% biodegradable.
The use of such fiber helps to limit the dumping of banana trunks in illegal landfills or on the street.